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Coventry University

Online & Intensive Pre-Sessional English Courses

Course Highlights

Course Description

Applying to the Coventry University? Boost your English skills and language confidence with our pre-sessional courses delivered by our friendly and qualified English Language Schools. Choose a length to suit your language needs and start your studies with success.

Course Structure

Our Online Pre-Sessional English (OPSE) and Online Pre-Sessional English Intensive courses aim to improve your Academic English language level to the standard you require for your chosen degree programme. You can study an online only course for 6, 12 or 16 weeks or an intensive course over 6 and 12 weeks. The length of the course is designed to match with your current English language level – and help take you to the next step.

Students entering the course lower than the entry requirements may need to complete additional 1:1 tutorials. These take place over 6 weeks, 3 times a week, for one hour with a personal tutor. This study supplements the BPSE course and is designed to give additional support to students. You will be notified of this on application.

Online Pre-Sessional English

6 Week

English language level for entry IELTS 5.0-5.5

12 Week

English language level for entry IELTS 4.5-5.0

16 Week

English language level for entry IELTS 4.0-4.5

Online Pre-Sessional English Intensive

6 Week

English language level for entry IELTS 6.0 - for exit level of 6.5
English language level for entry IELTS 5.5 - for exit level of 6.0

12 Week

English language level for entry IELTS 5.5 - for exit level of 6.5
English language level for entry IELTS 5.0 - for exit level of 6.0

Recognised by Coventry University

We have partnered with Coventry University to ensure you can reach the English level required before starting your chosen course. Our pre-sessional English course will improve your English language level and prepare for future academic study.

Upon completion of your pre-sessional English course you will be able to take the next step in your education and start studying.

Do I need Pre-sessional English?

If after taking IELTS or the English Language Level Test you score below the entry criteria for your chosen course, a member of our Admissions Team will advise you to enrol on a 6-week or 12-week Pre-Sessional English course. This will allow you to improve your English language skills and better prepare you to begin your academic studies at a higher education institution.

The length of the Pre-Sessional course recommended by our Admissions Team acts only as a suggestion. You are free to take whichever course you feel most comfortable, meaning that you could enrol on the 12-week Pre-Sessional English course despite being advised to take the 6-week course.

What does the course involve?

Our Pre-Sessional English courses provide students with all the tools they need to achieve their English language goals. Our fully online classes are based on our successful classroom model. Students attend bite-sized, easy to follow teacher-led sessions, supplemented by self-study and engaging assignments that enable you to fully immerse yourself in the learning experience. 

OPSE Course Details

As our student, you are assigned to a class with a maximum of 12 students and a dedicated teacher. The class teacher assesses all your work and is available to offer support to you outside the live online lessons. Each 6-weeks of study aims to improve your IELTS score by 0.5, with the goal to reach the entry-level IELTS 6.0 or higher. 
The table below illustrates the available course duration and corresponding fees. 

6 weeks

12 weeks

16 weeks

Entry level IELTS 5.0-5.5

Entry level IELTS 4.5-5.0

Entry level IELTS 4.0-4.5




OPSE Course Dates

All Online Pre-Sessional English courses have set starting dates throughout the year and are inclusive of all time zones – sessions happen three times a day to cater to our students from across the globe.

6 Weeks

25th April – 3rd June
16th May – 24th June
6th June – 15th July
20th June – 29th July
18th July – 26th August
1st August – 9th September

12 Weeks

9th May – 29th July
6th June – 26th August
20th June – 9th September

16 Weeks

11th April – 29th July
23rd May – 9th September

OPSE Intensive Course Details

Our Online Pre-Sessional English Intensive course aims to improve your Academic English language level to the standard you require for your chosen degree programme. You can study the Online Pre-Sessional English Intensive course over 6 or 12 weeks. The length of the course is designed to match with your current English language level – and help take you to the next step.

6 week course with 15 hours of tutorial sessions

6 week course with 15 hours of tutorial sessions

12 week course with 33 hours of tutorial sessions

12 week course with 33 hours of tutorial sessions

        *5 weeks teaching on 6 week course
        *11 weeks teaching on 12 week course

Entry level IELTS 6.0 - for exit level 6.5

Entry level IELTS 5.5 - for exit level 6.0

Entry level IELTS 5.5 - for exit level 6.5

Entry level IELTS 5.0 - for exit level 6.0





OPSE Intensive Course Dates

Online Pre-Sessional English Intensive courses have set starting dates and are inclusive of all time zones – sessions happen three times a day to cater to our students from across the globe.

6 Weeks

25th July – 2nd September 2022*

*Students must be available on the 6th and 7th September for any potential assessment re-sits.

12 Weeks

13th June – 2nd September 2022*

*Students must be available on the 6th and 7th September for any potential assessment re-sits.

Sample Timetable

Week 1

Time GMT
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class

Week 2-6

Time GMT
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class
Live Class

Tutorial days and times will be dependent on your assigned class

Course Outcomes

Our Pre-Sessional English course will improve your understanding and use of the English language and academic skills for university-level study. At the end of your course you will have improved in the following areas: 


Write opinion essays on a variety of topics and develop writing process strategies to produce coherent texts.


Demonstrate a thorough reading comprehension using a variety of reading subskills and the ability to think critically when responding to a variety of texts.


Express oneself effectively and improve presentation skills.


Have a greater understanding of vocabulary and to be able to actively following listening input and take notes.

Digital Literacy

Know how to navigate digital tools such as a VLE and communicate with peers and teachers online.

Academic Practice

Gain the ability to work collaboratively with peers, evaluate one’s work critically and engage actively in academic settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the questions we get asked the most about applying and studying this course.

You will receive a welcome letter telling you we have received your application. Closer to your course start date, you will be sent a welcome pack containing details of your course, class times, assessment criteria and clear technical instructions for joining your class.

The course has three key components: Live lessons with a qualified English language teacher. Extended study which is an opportunity to work with your classmates on homework or collaborative tasks in a virtual environment. You will also need to spend some time studying independently and preparing for your lessons.

You will need to download Zoom and Teams. You will also get access to Oxford International online platforms with additional learning resources.

You will have a live lesson every day from Monday to Friday – depending on the task the lesson will be 90 or 120 minutes. However, you will be assigned additional tasks and study projects so you will also need to spend about 2 hours per day on extended study and self-study. The face-to-face teaching weekends consist of six hours per day in 4 x 90 mins sessions each day.

There will be a marked assignment every week. There will also be final assessment at the end of the course. For 12 and 16 week courses regular progress tests are conducted to monitor student progress.

We will confirm venues nearer the start of your course. We partner with local conference spaces to provide modern and light teaching space in the city centre.

Ready to take your English skills to the next level?