关于您:您正准备参加英语语言水平测试 (ELLT),但想提高您的英语技能并在ELLT获取高分。您可通过ELLT直播准备课程,学习ELLT专家提供的全套练习材料、模拟考试及相关有用教学视频。该课程可在任何设备上24/7全天使用,您可以根据自己的时间安排练习、准备考试。
英语语言水平测试(ELLT)准备课程 航空英文考试预备课程 OET 预备课程 SELT 安全英文测试 ELLT 准备课程 Plus 雅思&剑桥考试准备课程接受专家指导,备考英语语言测试
关于您:您正准备参加英语语言水平测试 (ELLT),但想提高您的英语技能并在ELLT获取高分。您可通过ELLT直播准备课程,学习ELLT专家提供的全套练习材料、模拟考试及相关有用教学视频。该课程可在任何设备上24/7全天使用,您可以根据自己的时间安排练习、准备考试。
培训视频和练习可帮助您练习考试所需技能为 ELLT 做准备。ELLT 考官和讲师指导您在参加考试前练习您的英语技能。
ELLT 专家和考官将带您了解 ELLT 从注册到拿到成绩的所有步骤。从开发和运营ELLT 的专家那里获得有备考ELLT的有用提示、技巧和见解。
ELLT Prep Plus 课程费用为 40 英镑,为期 7 天完全访问权限。
We provide students with high-quality online education courses. We pride ourselves on offering flexible study options tailored to your needs and recognised by leading Higher Education institutions and professional bodies.
Our mission is to create access to education and provide more opportunities for students to achieve their higher education goals worldwide. We believe that online learning can and should be more than reading pages of text and watching videos of a person who you’ve never met and probably never will. Real people, real teachers and genuine contact can make a good experience great. And we should know, as part of Oxford International, we’ve been helping international students achieve exceptional results for 30 years.
We create our courses with students in mind. We look at helping you to achieve results while also enjoying the experience of learning. As such, we regularly receive great feedback from our students, and we use this to find ways to always do more for you while you’re studying with us. Hear more about what our students have to say…
没有入学要求,立即注册就可开始为您的 ELLT 做准备。
激活帐户后,您可以在 7 天内访问 ELLT Prep+ 课程资料。
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